Features of the impact of production factors on the processes of premature aging and changes in biological age


Savchenko O. A.12,Novikova I. I.1,Plotnikova O. V.3,Savchenko O. A.3


1. Federal Budgetary Institution "Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene" of Rospotrebnadzor

2. BUZO "Territorial Center for Disaster Medicine"

3. Omsk State Medical University


The purpose of the study is to assess the role of production factors in the development of premature (accelerated) aging and changes in biological age (according to a literature review), to analyze risk factors and mechanisms that trigger the processes of premature aging and changes in biological age, in order to prevent these processes – taking a set of measures to prevent occupational diseases of all categories of the population. Material and methods: In the analysis of risk assessment of premature (cellular) aging and changes in biological age under the influence of harmful production factors, methods of hygienic diagnostics and theoretical research were used: formalization, generalization, comparison, system analysis. The object of the study was the material of scientific papers on the study of the influence of harmful production factors on the processes of cellular aging and biological age. The results and their discussion. The study determined a direct relationship between the influence of production factors on the health of the labor contingent, lifestyle and functioning of the health-saving system. The conducted research will allow a deeper understanding of the processes leading to a change in biological age and the development of premature aging by analyzing the influence of factors of the production environment, socio-economic, environmental and other conditions affecting the health and life expectancy of the working contingent. Conclusion. The leading role of preventive measures in maintaining professional performance and prolonging the life of the labor contingent is determined. The study of the processes leading to the prevention of changes in biological age and the launch of mechanisms of premature aging of the working contingent will contribute to their long-term professional activity and creative longevity.


Omsk State Medical University

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