1. Omsk State Medical University
In this article, the authors presented certain results of a study devoted to identifying deficiencies in the psychological and pedagogical activities of medical university teachers. A definition is given to the concept of professional deficits as a lack (limitation) in professional competence that prevents the effective implementation of professional actions. The purpose of this work was to describe the areas of professional deficits of teachers of higher medical schools. In the article, the authors tried to answer the questions: How ready are the teaching staff of a medical university for changes in the higher education system? What professional deficiencies most often arise among teachers and how to deal with them? A number of studies conducted at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Further Education indicate that university teachers have a number of professional deficiencies. The reasons for these deficits are varied, since the work experience of teachers, areas of professional deficits, etc. vary.
The work was based on regulatory documents, such as “Strategic priorities in the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” until 2030.” Professional deficits were examined in five main areas of professional pedagogical activity: scientific-theoretical, methodological, psychological-pedagogical, communicative and general pedagogical. Research on deficits in these areas has been conducted and analyzed. Professional deficits were identified through a sociological survey of teachers in offline and online formats using a specially created questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed using tools from various areas of psychological and pedagogical knowledge. The set of these deficits is unique for each teacher. No teacher is immune from professional difficulties: both young and experienced teachers face them.
Professional pedagogical deficits depend not only on the personal characteristics and developed competencies of the teacher, but also on the developing educational environment in which he is located. Purposeful work in this direction will help to overcome professional deficits. This activity is carried out by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Further Education during advanced training and professional retraining of university teachers.
Omsk State Medical University
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