The impact of smoking e-cigarettes on human health


Pashchenko D. A.1,Kornyakova V. V.1


1. Omsk State Medical University


This literature review presents data on the effects of electronic cigarettes on the human body. The composition of vape liquid and the harm caused by each component separately, including glycerin, propylene glycol, is described. Vegetable glycerin is used for refueling electronic cigarettes, which determines the flavor. Propylene glycol is used to dissolve flavorings. The role of nicotine is more detailed than the other components, because among other things it is a neurotoxin and addictive. Literature sources have been analyzed to study the formation of pathological changes in tissues and organs during the use of electronic cigarettes. One of the first systems to be negatively affected by smoking is the respiratory system. Nicotine causes prolonged constriction of capillaries and arterioles, due to which normal gas exchange in the lungs is disturbed. Under the influence of nicotine is depressed activity of the nervous system. But the insidiousness of nicotine is not only that. Particularly dangerous to health long-term smoking. The brain gets used to the constant supply of nicotine. On the blood vessels nicotine has a spasmodic effect, promotes thrombosis. Diseases associated with the use of electronic delivery of nicotine, called EVALI, are presented, the latter meaning “lung injury associated with the use of electronic cigarettes”. The review emphasizes the negative effects of nicotine on the digestive system. Smoking contributes to narrowing of stomach vessels, gastric juice secretion is disturbed, and its composition changes, appetite decreases, peristalsis changes, and digestive diseases occur. To date, there is a growing trend in the number of people smoking electronic cigarettes, which is actively promoted by marketers [8]. They position smoking e-cigarettes as a fashion that does not cause harm to health. But this is a big misconception. E-smoking is virtually the same as regular smoking, except that e-cigarettes do not contain tar. The availability of vapes increases the trend of increasing use of these products by schoolchildren, which is a serious social problem.


Omsk State Medical University

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