Pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy


Zinoviev A.A., ,Lokhmacheva A.V.,


This literature review considered the positive effects and possible risks of hormone replacement therapy. To assess the efficacy and safety of hormone therapy, the materials on the topic presented in the biomedical research search engine PubMed, the Russian scientific electronic library CyberLeninck, and the State Registry of Medicines were studied. The results of clinical trials of hormone replacement therapy to treat early symptoms and prevent later postmenopausal women from developing osteoporosis, osteopenia, periodontal disease, and cardiovascular disease are presented. Risks of certain cancers from hormone therapy have been assessed. There is much debate about the safety of hormone therapy for the treatment of menopause and andropause. Proponents of this therapy believe it is necessary to treat early symptoms and prevent women from developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease later in postmenopause. A second group believes that taking hormones is associated with an increased risk of certain cancers. There is evidence that hormone replacement therapy can provoke the risk of developing breast cancer, endometrial cancer, and prostate cancer. The purpose of this review was to update hormone replacement therapy as a treatment option for menopause and andropause. According to the results of the studied data, we can conclude that hormone replacement therapy in general has both significant advantages and disadvantages. At this time we can not say that hormone replacement therapy is absolutely safe method of treatment, because there are still new studies in which there may be disagreement among authors about the safety of estrogen or testosterone therapy. This method of treatment is not advisable for every patient, so the doctor should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and have a good understanding of the possible risks and consequences of hormone replacement therapy. Further research is needed to confirm the safety of hormone replacement therapy and to find new pharmacological options for the hormone therapy approach.


Omsk State Medical University

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