On receiving the witness


Martin TimothyORCID


At this year’s conference, I was privileged to participate as one of the keynote speakers. Drawing on my dissertation, I gave a lecture on the pedagogical work and archival practices of an event known as The Toronto Homeless Memorial. This brief reflection is inspired by the way in which my words were received by conference attendees—and, more broadly, the work of listening to those who bear witness to violence. I, along with many others, relate to the memorial on a personal level; my research is a practice of witnessing and of partnering with the testimony of the memorial organizers. Influenced by Ann Chinnery’s (2013) thinking, I conceptualize the work of storylistening as facilitating cross-temporal relationality with the past—specifically, with past-others rendered silent and invisible. By receiving the testimony of the witness, we make possible moments of interruption and encounter for/with those abjected from public regard.


York University Libraries

Reference7 articles.

1. Arendt, H. (1958). The human condition. The University of Chicago Press.

2. Biesta, G. (2012). Becoming public: Public pedagogy, citizenship and the public sphere. Social & Cultural Geography, 13(7), 683–697. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649365.2012.723736

3. Chinnery, A. (2013). Caring for the past: On relationality and historical consciousness. Ethics and Education, 8(3), 253–262. https://doi.org/10.1080/17449642.2013.878083

4. Crowe, C. (2007). Dying for a Home: Homeless Activists Speak Out. Between the Lines.

5. Gordon, A. (2008). Ghostly matters: Haunting and the sociological imagination (New University of Minnesota Press ed). University of Minnesota Press.








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