
Lokhman N. V.1ORCID,Beridze T. M.2ORCID


1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade

2. Kryvyiy Rih National University


Objective. The objective of the present article is to determine the etiology of certain types of effects using the construction of a hierarchical tree of Euclidean distances based on the segregation of the effects of using the innovative potential of tourist enterprises. Methods. In the research process, the following methods were used: theoretical generalization methods (for the segregation of the effects of using the innovative potential of tourism enterprises), the method of expert evaluations (to identify the presence or absence of certain types of effects of the use of the innovative potential at the studied enterprises), analysis and synthesis (for the segregation of the effects of using the innovative potential of tourist enterprises enterprises for a specified period), graphic (to determine the connections of various types of effects on tourism enterprises of individual clusters). Results. The issues of segregation of the effects of the use of innovative potential in tourism enterprises are relevant and require quantitative measurement. Therefore, based on the theoretical study of the opinions of a number of authors, the following types of effects of using innovative potential are proposed, depending on the nature of their occurrence: economic, investment, budgetary, resource, environmental, social, tourism, market, commercial, reputational, technical, intellectual, legal. The segregation of the effects of using the innovative potential of tourism enterprises of individual clusters (explerents, violets, patients, commuters) for 2013–2019 was carried out. A hierarchical tree of Euclidean distances was built to determine the relationships of various types of effects in the tourism enterprises of individual clusters. The resulting taxonomy makes it possible to group effects that are homogeneous in relation to the use of innovative potential. According to the connections formed, it is possible to single out groups of the most closely related effects in accordance with the clusters under study: the effects at the enterprises-explerents are grouped as follows: 1) economic, tourism, investment, commercial, market, technical effects; 2) market, technical, budgetary effects; 3) resource, intellectual, legal effects; effects at enterprises-violents are grouped as follows: 1) economic, market, social, commercial, tourist effects; 2) market, intellectual, technical effect; 3) intellectual, investment, budgetary, resource effects; effects at patient enterprises are grouped as follows: 1) economic, resource, social, tourism, market, reputational effects; 2) budgetary, environmental, technical, tourist effects; 3) investment, intellectual effects; effects at switching enterprises are grouped as follows: 1) economic, resource, tourism, technical, commercial, reputational effects; 2) investment, intellectual, market, budgetary effects; 3) social, legal effects. The closest ties in tourism enterprises are the types of effects: economic, resource, tourism. We consider the dependence of these effects on each other etiological, that is, these effects act as an impetus for the emergence and increase of other effects.


Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


General Medicine

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