1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
Objective. The article aims at analyzing the current trends in the development of ecological tourism in Ukraine under conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war.
Methods. The results of the study are obtained applying the following methods: theoretical generalisation and system-structural method (to study the theoretical foundations of ecotourism), analysis (to analyse the main trends in the development of ecotourism in Ukraine), statistical method (to process statistical information), classification method (to divide the regions by ecotourism potential), abstract-theoretical method (to formulate theoretical conclusions).
Results. The current trends in the development of ecological tourism in Ukraine are analysed according to two main directions: ecological tourism within and outside protected areas. The main organisational forms of ecological tourism are identified, including ecological tourist routes and trails, cultural and educational ecological excursions, recreation in eco-hotels of various types, active mountain and water eco-recreation. The author analyses the security features of ecotourism under the conditions of the russian-Ukrainian war, the activities of the international certification programmes "GreenKey" and "BlueFlag", and the most popular ecotourism sites in Ukraine. As a result of the analysis, it is proposed to conditionally divide the regions of Ukraine, according to the existing ecotourism potential, into 4 categories: regions with high ecotourism development potential, regions with medium ecotourism development potential, regions with low ecotourism development potential and regions where ecotourism is impossible to organise.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
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