1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade
Objective. The objective of the article is to study the main features of the situation of the iron ore market of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine.
Methods. The following methods were used to analyze the main features of the market situation of ore mining products of Ukraine during the full-scale invasion: the dialectical method of learning processes and phenomena (for researching the market situation of ore mining products); methods of analysis and comparison (to study directions of changes in the market situation of ore mining products in the conditions of a full-scale invasion); graphic (to display the dynamics of the market situation of ore extraction products); index (to assess the rates of growth of the investigated indicators); method of multifactorial multiplicative forecasting (for forecasting sales volume of ore mining products).
Results. In the conditions of a full-scale Russian invasion, there is a low market situation for iron ore in Ukraine. The main reasons for the negative changes in the iron ore market include: the destruction of industrial capacities, which affected the overall production volume of the mining industry, and the blockade of sea ports, which caused the problem of exporting Ukrainian iron ores to worsen during a full-scale invasion.
An analysis of the main features of the situation of the Ukrainian iron ore market during the full-scale invasion showed a significant drop in the volume of iron ore exports and imports, with imports falling at a faster rate.
The performed forecasting of the volumes of sold products of ore extraction shows an expected decline in the market situation during the next two years, however, in the future, provided that the full-scale invasion is completed and post-war recovery begins, positive changes in the market situation of ore extraction products can be expected.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
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