1. Alfred Nobel University
Objective. The objective of the article is the substantiation of the constructive strategy of a commercial enterprise – the strategy of integration of offline and online trade and the content of its individual elements, the content of which is aimed at ensuring the management of strategic changes in the entity under the influence of market situational perturbations.
Methods. General scientific methods and special techniques are applied: statistical and comparative methods – to study the dynamics of trade performance; method of abstract-logical analysis – to build a construct of integration strategy of offline and online trade; graphic and tabular methods – for visual display of statistical material and visualization of research results.
Results. According to the results of the study, the need to include in the list of functional strategies of network enterprises the strategy of integration of offline and online trade, which is associated with unexpected changes in the market situation due to disruption of the usual course of development, indicative structure of the strategy of integration of offline and online trade with the allocation of elements to ensure the equality of channels and optimize their ratio. Reflections on the introduction of e-commerce indicators in official statistical information to determine the hierarchy of retail channels and recognize their equality are presented. The dynamics of trade performance indicators in 2016-2020 is analyzed with the selection of trends in the perturbation of economic situations. An overview of approaches to evaluating the results of e-commerce and current trends in its development. Approaches to determining the set of indicators that characterize online trade are outlined, the hypothesis of equality of channels in retail and the meaning of finding the optimal relationship between them is highlighted.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky
Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
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