
Khavrova K. S.1ORCID,Korenitsyna T. V.1


1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade


Objective. Theobjective of the study is to determine the essence of cryptocurrencies and substantiate them as a type of digital financial asset. Methods. Methods of synthesis and generalization, comparative and stochastic analysis are used to define the basic concepts of cryptocurrencies, their main types and substantiate cryptocurrencies as a type of digital financial asset. Results. In the process of studying the meaning of the term "cryptocurrency" it is explained as a financial instrument, a global means of payment, circulation and investment, a specific asset, digital (virtual) currency, which exists in electronic form. Cryptocurrency is a special type of digital financial assets, the operation of which is based on a decentralized mechanism of issuance and circulation and is a complex system of information technology procedures based on cryptographic protection methods that regulate the identification of owners and record the change. The characteristics of the main types of cryptocurrencies are singled out and given, which include: Bitcoin, Lightcoin, Pircoin, Neimcoin, Fezerkoin. It is also determined that the main criteria of target functions, the calculations of which are used in cryptocurrencies, are the following: the inevitability of transactions; opportunity for anyone to check their validity; the complexity of calculations with the predicted speed. The factors of dependence of the value of cryptocurrencies are considered. They include: network factor (network size, breadth of its use as a measure of price or utility for consumers); demand or utility; attention of investors. The basis of each of the cryptocurrencies is a blockchain. The sequence of each transaction is determined by complex cryptographic functions: each transaction includes an electronically signed hash of the previous transaction; transactions are collected in blocks, and the hash of all transactions of the block is calculated for the header by constructing a Merkel tree; the block goes through the confirmation procedure with the inclusion of the hash of the previous block. The principle of operation of the blockchain is determined. It includes decentralization: the absence of a server in the chain; the work of the whole blockchain is supported by each participant; reliability: filtering operations; hash substitution is not possible; universality: the use of blockchain in various fields; theoretical infinity: addition of records to infinity; transparency: the inability to change data because transactions are stored and presented in the public domain. Thus, cryptocurrency is a high-risk and highly volatile instrument of a financial asset that can reduce risk through diversification, increase profitability and the desire to keep up with the times, based on blockchain technology.


Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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