
Bocharova Yu. H.1ORCID,Lyzhnyk Yu. B.1ORCID


1. Mykhailo Tuhan-Baranovskyi Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade


Objective. Based on the world experience of determining the parameters of the functioning of innovation systems and rating assessment of security parameters, the objective of the research is to investigate the current state of the innovation ecosystem of Ukraine; services of basic security parameters that can be used for practical assessment of innovation ecosystems and conduct a practical assessment of various sectors of the economy of Ukraine on the level of effectiveness of their participation in the formation of innovation ecosystem. Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists. To achieve this goal the following research methods are used: analysis (to study the dynamics of innovation processes in the economy of Ukraine), comparison and synthesis (to study the security parameters proposed by other authors to form a list of security assessment parameters of innovation ecosystems), rationing of economic data; ratings and graphs (to build innovative security ratings of comparative industries in Ukraine). Results. Three main groups of indicators for assessing the security parameters of the innovation ecosystem of Ukraine are proposed. They in turn consist of 12 indicators for assessing the security of this type of economic activity to include it in the innovation ecosystem and to invest in innovation in this area. The advantage of the proposed list of indicators is that, on the one hand, it is based on security parameters proposed by other authors to assess investment processes, and, on the other hand, takes into account existing in Ukraine statistical reporting on innovation processes, which allows using existing data statistical reporting of the State Statistics Committee. A rating assessment of 60 types of economic activity of Ukraine is built according to the proposed approach (both for each group of indicators and integrated rating), three areas of economic activity with the highest value of security parameters (research; computer production; pharmaceutical production). ecosystems of Ukraine and promising areas of formation of the main directions of further development of the innovative ecosystem of Ukraine are identified.


Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky


Colloid and Surface Chemistry,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

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