Investigation of Views Regarding The Learning Environment Designed For Teaching Vector Spaces




1. Biruni Üniversitesi



The aim of this study is to determine the views of pre-service teachers and lecturer about the learning environment designed for teaching vector spaces. The research is a qualitative study. The learning environment was designed as 3 cycles using the design-based research method, and at the end of the third cycle, the views of pre-service teachers and lecturer about the learning environment were revealed. The study group of research consists of 11 second grade pre-service mathematics teachers studying in department of secondary mathematics education and a lecturer. Semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection tool to reveal the views of pre-service teachers and lecturer about learning environment. During interviews, pre-service teachers and lecturer were asked questions under the topics of learning environment, GeoGebra software, tasks, worksheets, group work and motivation. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data obtained from the interviews. The results of the study showed that designed learning environment helped pre-service teachers to overcome the formalism difficulties and offered opportunities such as concretization, being active, regular study and easier learning. In addition, it has been shown that tasks, which is a part of the designed learning environment, reduces the exam stresses of pre-service teachers due to grade anxiety and is effective in demonstrating the way of thinking that pre-service teachers should have in linear algebra in general and in vector spaces in particular. Considering the opportunities it provides, it is suggested that the designed learning environment should be used in teaching both vector spaces and certain concepts related to vector spaces.


Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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