This research has aimed to determine the views of special education teachers on the evaluation of individuals with multiple disabilities before, during and after teaching. The findings were basically examined under the headings of the most frequently studied areas in the classroom, evaluation methods, cooperation in assessment, fields of difficulty in evaluation, and suggestions for evaluation. It was determined that the methods of family interviews, student observation, rough assessment tools, obtaining information from the previous institution and creating a portfolio were frequently used before, during and after the teaching. Within the scope of the research findings, it has been seen that the most common problems faced by teachers are inability to cooperate with experts and families, children not being physically ready for assessment, insufficient assessment material, lack of professional development, and lack of specialists at school. Within the scope of the research results, it has been thought that the family should be included in a good evaluation process along with the individual with multiple disabilities and the development of the individual should be constantly followed during this process. In connection with the findings of the research, various suggestions were made for parents and teachers.
Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi
Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics
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