1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The article examines the problem of spreading fake news in the sphere of scientific information. Social networks, blogs, podcasts and many other Internet channels overload the information field and contribute to the spread of false information. This situation negatively affects the process of interaction between science and society. In this regard, the library can serve as a source of reliable scientific information. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the analyses of capabilities of libraries as a source of reliable scientific information in the struggle with fake news.The context of the modern information space makes its own demands to the broadcast of any message. Erroneous or false information, that the broadcast message contains, could be duplicated in various sources. Attention to the source of information and its sender should be very high. In this regard, it is necessary to take a more responsible approach to choosing the source of information.The object of the article is to examine based on foreign publications the problem of fake news and the place of the library as the source of reliable information. The LENS.ORG platform was the main source used. Foreign authors confirm the importance of the work of libraries as a significant social institution oriented towards the development of the society of knowledge.The analysis of the document flow on the theme has made it possible to define the place of the library in solving the problem of spreading false scientific information. The conclusion has been made, that libraries’ activities, besides preserving and spreading information, should be supplemented with the struggle with false information.Information literacy activities and work to identify unreliable information in the field of science are becoming particularly relevant.
State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS