Predisposition of medical university students to addictive behavior


Belousova E. V.1


1. Novosibirsk State Medical University


Introduction. This article deals with the problem of predisposition of medical university students to addictive behavior. The relevance of the study of the addictive propensity of future specialists of the helping profession is emphasized. The author considers theoretical and practical aspects of some types of addictions that are potentially preferred for modern youth. Problem statement. The purpose of this work is to present the collected empirical data on the predisposition of medical university students to various types of addictive behavior and give a brief analysis of them. The tasks include: to find out whether male or female students are more prone to addictive behavior; to identify the relationship between the propensity for various types of addiction and the gender of the subject. Methodology and methods of the study. The basis of the study is the methodology for 13 types of dependencies by G.V. Lozova. Results. It is determined that the most common types of addictive behavior among students are dependence on healthy lifestyle, love and food addiction. The percentage of male students with an average level of addiction is higher than the percentage of female students of the same category. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that dependent behavior is an urgent problem of socialization and professional development of students; a more pronounced tendency is manifested in young men; there is a dependence between the choice of the preferred type of addiction and the gender of the respondent.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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