1. Tsiolkovsky Kaluga State University
Introduction. Difficulties in the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity (self-determination) of students with disabilities are one of the leading problem areas in ensuring the quality of education. A generalized model of difficulties, including attempts at an integrative typology of difficulties in the formation and development of the identity of students with disabilities, is an important, relevant scientific task of modern social psychology and educational psychology. Purpose setting. In modern science and practice, the tasks of studying the difficulties of the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity of students with disabilities have been set and solved, however, there is no systematic study of them, no integrative model. The purpose of the study is to analyze the difficulties in the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity of students with disabilities. Methodology and methods of the study. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to understanding the difficulties in the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity of students with disabilities. The main research method is a theoretical analysis of the specific difficulties in the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity of students with disabilities. Results. Some personal, interpersonal, educational and professional competencies and identity among students with disabilities are often not fully formed and developed (it is sometimes more difficult for them to express their needs or self-disclose, evaluate their own and others’ activities, bear and assign responsibility / there are deformations of the locus of control, it is more difficult to imagine oneself, to self-present), then it is more difficult for them to self-determinate and identify. The importance of transforming the educational environment in accordance with the changing capabilities of a student with disabilities is noted, as well as the development support system for students with disabilities: support from family, classmates, peers, teachers, tutors and other assistants, including academic support services. Conclusions. Based on the research, the author was able to identify a number of basic, typical difficulties in the formation and development of educational, professional and personal identity of students with disabilities and measures to overcome them.
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