Humanization and sovereignization as a strategy for reform and development of Russian education. Part 2. Current trends in humanization and sovereignization of Russian education


Kornienko N. A.1


1. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


Introduction. A necessary basis for elaboration an adequate strategy for the development of Russian education is an understanding of the depth and scale of the ongoing processes of deploying of meaningful public discourse regarding the present and future of higher education. Russian higher school can move from the paradigm of translational education to the paradigm of activity-based education based on two technological packages of higher education (activity-based and social-communicative). It is the humanitarian paradigm of human development that will provide competitive advantages to developed countries and regions.Purpose setting. The task of forming the prerequisites for a cognitive society is highlighted as strategically important, which means increasing the intellectual potential of society, raising intellectual activity and connectedness of society. Moving towards the digital revolution, it is important to form digital literacy, the ability to learn throughout life and readiness to be included in network formats of intellectual action. Methodology and methods of the study built on the key points of humanization and sovereignization of Russian education, which naturally abandoned the Bologna system.Results. Our study showed that the formation of new cognitive institutions is hampered by the low level of information and social connectivity of intellectuals and weak leadership in the field of knowledge production. The motivation of young people for high-quality higher education, high general and professional competence will arise if society in all its manifestations (work, leisure, politics) becomes more «smart» and intellectualized. Conclusion. The changes currently taking place in the field of higher education are conceptualized as a multifaceted crisis, including a gap between the needs of the labor market and the professional qualifications obtained in higher education, the decline in the prestige of teaching, the need to change the paradigm of education and a number of other manifestations in the destruction of the anthropological frame-ideal of a person who defines meaning, goals of education. The ideal of a knowledgeable person ceased to be attractive, the imperative to «teach everyone everything», characteristic of the Enlightenment, lost its power, the belief in the uplifting power of education was shaken, knowledge and education became a utilitarian value, one of the goods offered to the consumer by civilization. Education has ceased to serve as a social elevator. In this situation, the future of social and cultural institutions is uncertain.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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