Humanization and sovereignization as a strategy for reforming and development of Russian education. Part 1. Russia's sovereign path in education


Kornienko N. A.1


1. Novosibirsk State Agrarian University


Introduction. Russia defends its humanitarian sovereignty when upbringing, education, culture, politics, films are built on our traditions and values, which are not outside, but inside a person, in his mind, since these are mental components, worldview components.Purpose setting. The education system should work for the formation and development of the country's human capital. Without solving this problem, the country will not have a sovereign education, which means there will be no future. It is necessary to change the paradigm of higher education, we need a new Russian national model. A professional school should be not just a «forge of personnel», but a center for the spiritual transformation of a specialist's personality, a source of spirituality for his thoughts, words and deeds. It is necessary to educate a real citizen, a patriot who knows the history and culture of his country well.Methodology and methods of the study. Based on the key points of the sovereignization of Russian education, which naturally abandoned the Bologna system of education. Methodology for understanding the current situation in education, analytical report «The Future of Higher Education in Russia: an Expert View. Foresight-study-2030».Results. Russian education until recently, with the implemented Bologna system, developed exclusively as an extractive social institution. For more than twenty years, this most important sphere of social life, the importance of which in maintaining and developing the sovereignty of the country cannot be overestimated, was literally «broken over the knee» to please the West. The main changes in the system of higher education caused by this participation are outlined. Joining the Bologna process has received an ambiguous and even contradictory assessment in the professional community.Conclusions. Now a situation has developed in society that makes the problem of finding a new semantic component of the fundamentalization of education, the essence of which is the realization that the future fate of human civilization will be determined not only by the intellectual and educational, but also by the spiritual and moral potential of society and people, i. e. by humanization and sovereignization. This is the value of Russia.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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