Using the learning strategy in the development of a professional organization: theoretical and methodological aspect


Tebekin A. V.1


1. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia; Higher School of Cultural Policy and Management in the Humanitarian Sphere Lomonosov Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov


Introduction. The protracted global crisis in the world and national economy makes it necessary to find effective ways to overcome it.Purpose setting. In this regard, the paper formulated the goal of considering, from a theoretical and methodological standpoint, the postulates of a learning strategy in a professional organization formed as a result of overcoming the global crisis of the 1970s, in order to learn lessons for the formation and implementation of a strategy for effectively overcoming the current crisis of the 2020s.Methodology and methods of the study. The methodological basis of the research was made up of well-known scientific works devoted to the problem of implementing the processes of applying the learning strategy in the development of a professional organization.Results. The novelty of the results obtained lies in finding an explanation of the sources of opposition between the supporters of prescriptive and describing schools of management, including the school of education, in the formation of strategies, expressed in the fact that the postulates of prescriptive schools are more acceptable in a period of stable conditions for the activity of professional organizations, and those describing – in a period of crisis conditions. when it is necessary to act intensively, taking into account past experience, but in the interests of finding new solutions that are adequate to the changed external conditions.Conclusions. The results obtained demonstrate the feasibility of using the postulates of a learning strategy in the development of a professional organization based on the implementation of a sequence of strategic processes «purposeful actions – analysis of the consequences and their explanation – going further» to overcome the current systemic crisis in the national economy.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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