1. Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Sciences
Modern educational programs of distance education are gaining popularity and demand among applicants with different educational needs. Such programs are aimed at overcoming educational inequality and equalization of educational opportunities, solving problems of inclusive education, incorporation in the system of continuous education. The study objective is to identify the role of educational communications and their effect on preserving the student contingent in distance education. The paper focuses on identifying the reasons to discontinue by students their studies in vocational educational programs conducted using distance learning technologies; determining the communication aspects of the problem to maintain a contingent of students in the professional educational programs of Bachelor and Master.The authors determine the motives for choosing the program, involvement in educational communications, satisfaction with the educational process and its components, as well as difficulties in mastering the program based on the student opinions in «the group at risk of expulsion» and studied in such educational programs, but for various reasons do not complete the studies. The research has solved the following tasks: considering educational communication practices in the system of distance learning; identifying the reasons of difficulties and expulsions of students in obtaining higher professional education by the programs of distance education; forming proposals on the organization of educational communications aimed more successful mastering of the educational program and preservation of the student contingent in the distance learning system. The study results should be used to organize communication and methodological support of professional educational programs of distance education.
State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS
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2 articles.