Scientific monograph – a difficult way to the reader


Kuular M. Ch.1


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPSTL SB RAS)


The article objective is to identify factors transforming the processes of publication, dissemination and preservation of scientific monographs, their importance in the system of scientific communications. A review of publications is ­devoted to the problem of publishing, disseminating and preserving a scientific monograph as a significant part of scientific literature. The authors highlighted the reasons of slowdown in the publication of scientific monographs and the impact of various factors on the process of preparing and disseminating scientific literature of economic, communicative, bibliometric, reading and publishing nature. The paper compares possibilities and limitations of the processes of searching, preserving and organizing the acquisition of library collections by electronic and paper versions of a scientific monograph presented in publications. Editing scientific monographs and their significance in the system of scientific communications in our country is undergoing a period of serious transformation: information on new titles is dispersed in many sources; lowering the development of scientific publications in general, both in circulation and in the number of titles is observed. At the same time, publishing technologies themselves do not stand still, new ways of publishing and disseminating scientific monographs appear, which affect the change in the technology of acquiring library collections.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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