Optimization of information service technologies in the Central Scientific Agricultural Library


Pirumova L. N.1


1. Federal Scientific Institution “Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL)


The article considers changes in the information service technologies conditioned by digitalization in the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL), which has been creating information resources of its own generation since 1992. 24 document and lexicographic databases (DB) find their application for the information servicing. The main information product is the polythematic database “AGROS”, which provides comprehensive information about current receipts to the library collections. BD of own generation, posted on the website of CSAL, mainly in free access, have created conditions for the full-fledged remote user service. The library has converted almost all traditional services into the remote ones, developed convenient and simple services for its users to work independently with digital resources, which ensures their demand by specialists. The author shows positive dynamics of requests to the website of CSAL. Digital technologies have made it possible to perfect services; optimization of the Service Department, its merging with the Storage Department, transformation of service areas have increased the efficiency of work. As an information center, CSAL creates industry-wide linguistic tools, synopsizes and analytical reviews, makes them ready for the press.The library determines as perspective such directions of servicing its users as the formation and development of related data, which allow creating qualitatively new analytical information, provision of access to integrated information through a single window, organization of the single industry knowledge space, origination and provision of open data. For this purpose, industry- wide linguistic tools for indexing and searching for information will be developed, databases of own generation will be created and constantly updated; monitoring of the Internet resources and creating navigators and manuals on the problems of the agro-industrial complex will be carried out.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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