On the formation of electronic libraries reflecting the scientific heritage of Russia


Kalenov N. E.1


1. Joint Super Computer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Branch of Federal State Institution “Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences”


The paper considers the problem of forming digital resources, which reflect the scientific heritage of Russia. One of the most developed resources in this area is the digital library “Scientific Heritage of Russia” (DL SHR), which development began in 2007 as a part of the special program of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by the Joint Supercomputer Centre of RAS (JSC RAS). The library is built on the principle of linked data and reflects information about scientists, their publications (including digitized full texts) and archival materials related to scientists and museum objects. The content of the library was formed by joint efforts of many scientific organizations, including academic libraries. DL SHR is publicly available on the Internet since 2010. By 2020, DL SHR new generation technology, its internal and external software shells, search algorithms were completely redesigned and put into operation. The article describes the current state of NNR DL, which includes two WEB-oriented blocks - administrative and user. The administrative block, available to authorized users, provides input, editing, quality control of the created resources; the user block, presented in the public domain, provides wide opportunities for searching for resources using Boolean logic; it provides obvious visualization and advanced navigation through related resources. A number of examples of work with DL SHR are given. Along with DL SHR, the article considers the electronic libraries “Scientific Heritage of the Urals” and “Scientific Heritage of the Far East”, presented, respectively, on the websites of the Central Scientific Libraries of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These libraries are compared with DL SHR, and the conclusion is made about the need to coordinate work on creating digital resources that reflect the scientific heritage of Russia and its regions.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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