Scientific organization and author profiles as types of the Internet-representation


Prokof’eva Yu. D.1ORCID


1. Central Scientific Library of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


In the modern world, the Internet representation of an organization has long ceased to be a fashionable trend, but has become a significant form of communication dictated by the requirements of time. The effectively organized work of the Internet representation helps to inform about the results of activities and achievements, to form image, to establish communication and feedback, affordable, prompt service and liaison. In the conditions of information competition, it is especially important for scientific organizations to be present in the Internet space. Conventionally, Websites are considered as the Internet main representation. A relatively new type of the Internet representation are pages in social networks, including those of scientific libraries and research institutes. Despite the common tasks and related functions, they have a number of differences and advantages over each other. It is proposed in the study to consider profiles of scientific organizations and author profiles on scientific platforms (Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID, RSCI, ScienceID, ResearchGate, Google Scholar and others) as a specialized type of the Internet representations. Unlike websites and social networks, they are aimed only at specialists in the scientific field. The purpose of the work is to determine whether the profile of the organization and the author’s profile of the scientist is a kind of the Internet representation. The article considers approaches to understanding the Internet representation, types, tasks and criteria characteristic of all types of the Internet representations, the definition of the “Internet representation” has been formulated. Scientific profiles have been analyzed from the viewpoint of their compliance with the tasks and criteria of the Internet representative offices. The role of the scientific library in the formation of the Internet representations of scientific organizations has been determined. 


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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