Gamification of the library space in foreign countries


Varganova G. V.1


1. Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Culture


Gaming plays an important role in the development of society and human beings. Involvement in gaming helps people to understand the fundamentals of social and cultural interactions in the historical context. Gaming in public libraries is one of the most dynamic directions of their activity. The article provides insights into main approaches to gaming in public libraries and describes briefly the most effective technologies in the professional discourse context. Research is outlined as a prerequisite for practical librarians to make decisions in exploring innovations and raising the quality of gaming programs in libraries. The library-information science specialists’ contribution in developing the gamification problem theoretical concepts is assessed as important one to specialists of different sciences concerning this topic.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

Reference39 articles.

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5. American Library Association. URL: (accessed 25.08.2016).

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