Scientific publications: from a library card index to bibliographic profiles


Zakharova S. S.1,Gureeva J. A.1


1. The Library on Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Information on scientific publications of Pushchino Research Center staff is originally seen as an important component of implementing the library information function of the Centralized Library System of the Central Library in Pushchino, which is a department of the Library on Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LNS RAS). During the library activity, since 1968, it could distinguish three main periods in creating and developing the information-bibliographic support of users’ publication activity in all research institutes of the Center. The first stage is starting creation of the employees card files, based on which the bibliographical indices of scientists’ publications have been published. The accuracy and completeness of accumulated information has laid an excellent foundation for transition to electronic databases reflecting the researchers’ works of all institutions of the Center. The second stage has shown that in some cases a scientist’s bibliography is incomplete, but ease of information entry about publications and well-chosen software allows revealing all the information about the publication to the reader in a convenient form. The third stage is characterized by emerging new forms of information provision about scientific publications. The copyrights profiles have appeared for identifying standards of the scientific works authorship that allow creating a tool to search and analyze both publication activity of organizations and researchers. But at this stage the problem of creating a complete and reliable scientific bibliography list in scientometric databases has not solved yet.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

Reference3 articles.

1. Beskaravainaya E. V., Zakharova S. S. Kontseptsii sozdaniya baz dannykh trudov sotrudnikov (na primere nauchno-issledovatel'skikh institutov Pushchinskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra RAN) // Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives. 2011. Vol. 9, pt. 4. S. 11-20.

2. Beskaravainaya E. V., Dovbnya E. V., Zakharova S. S. Problemno-orientirovannye kollektsii. Formirovanie i analiz na primere bazy dannykh trudov sotrudnikov Instituta biofiziki kletki // Bibliografiya. 2008. № 4. S. 30-36.

3. Zakharova S. S. Avtorskie bibliograficheskie profili Instituta matematicheskikh problem biologii RAN // Bibliografiya. 2015. № 6. S. 42-46.

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