Marketing Policy of the State Public Scientific Technological Library of the SB RAS in Relation to Library and Information Resources and Services


Rykhtorova A. E.1ORCID


1. State Public Scientific Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


An important factor for not only development, but existence of the library, is its work to attract the audience, for which varieties of marketing technologies are used. However, the larger and more diverse the library audience becomes, the more difficult it is to monitor and regulate the completeness of the use of marketing techniques aimed at different segments of users. The purpose of this article is to provide an example of an analysis of a library’s outreach activities through the prism of a marketing policy, allowing the library the streamline of its marketing tools and resources, monitoring of their effectiveness in a comprehensive way, and the identification of possible gaps in the implementation of such activities. The analysis revealed two main gaps in the marketing activities of the SPSTL SB RAS, related to the completeness of the marketing technologies used and the analysis of the audience outside the scientific community. In addition, the grounds were noted, worked out as a part of the development strategy of the library and allow to combine the achievements of the projects implemented by the library in the marketing policy in the future, after the closure of the gaps found. This approach to analyzing the formation of marketing policy is available for replication by other types of libraries, and its use will improve the level of their marketing work.


State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS

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