1. Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières, Orléans, Cedex, France
The seismicity evolution in Oklahoma between 2010 and 2018 is analyzed systematically using an epidemic-type aftershock sequence model. To retrieve the nonstationary seismicity component, we systematically use a moving window of 200 events, each within a radius of 20 km at grid points spaced every 0.2°. Fifty-three areas in total are selected for our analysis. The evolution of the background seismicity rate μ is successfully retrieved toward its peak at the end of 2014 and during 2015, whereas the triggering parameter K is stable, slightly decreasing when the seismicity is activated. Consequently, the ratio of μ to the observed seismicity rate is not stationary. The acceleration of μ can be fit with an exponential equation relating μ to the normalized injected volume. After the peak, the attenuation phase can be fit with an exponential equation with time since peak as the independent variable. As a result, the evolution of induced seismicity can be followed statistically after it begins. The turning points, such as activation of the seismicity and timing of the peak, are difficult to identify solely from this statistical analysis and require a subsequent mechanical interpretation.
Seismological Society of America (SSA)