Gender, War and Remembrance: ‘Points of Memory’ in the Narratives of Women Participants in the P artisan War (1944–1953) in Lithuania
This article sets out to build a model of gendered memory entrepreneurship. The analysis is based on points of memory, a concept developed by Marianne Hirsch, who defined them as ‘points of intersection between past and present, memory and post-memory, personal remembrance and cultural recall’. The theoretical inquiry is enriched by examining the narratives of two former partisan messengers, Aldona Vilutienė (née Sabaitytė, 1931–
2020), who created the first museum about the anti-Soviet resistance and the deportations carried out under Stalin, and Elena Žilvytienė (neé Aleliūnaitė, 1925–2020), whose story (focusing on her father) was covered by the mass media in 2019.
Key words: women and war, memory entrepreneurs, points of memory, testimonies,
traumatic memory.
Lietuvos Istorijos Institutas
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science