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2. Buck, L. A. (1976). A human context for the cultivat ion of poetic creativity. In A. Nimbark, L. Buck, and F. Silverblank (Eds.) Honeycomb. Oakdale, N. Y. 11769, bowling College Press.
3. Buck, L. A. (1983). "Autism" reconsidered: creative and interpersonal growth. Presented at: Symposium, Growing through the Arts. Adelphi University, Garden City, N. Y.: September 30.
4. Buck, L. A. (1984). "Normality" versus "health" in the human life-cycle. Presented at: 42nd Ann. Convention, Int. Council of Psychologists, Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 30, Sept. 1.
5. Buck, L. A. (1990a). Normality: conflict, competitiveness and violence. Presented at: 48th Annual Convention, International Council of Psychologists, Tokyo, Japan, July 14-18.