A Cross Sectional Analytical Study on Developmental Outcomes and Nutritional Status Of Under 5 Children in Rural Field Practice Area of a Tertiary Care Hospital, Tiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India


R Afshan Rasul.,G Pavithra.,A Murugan.,S Kumar.


The brain is highly sensitive to nutrient imbalances. Inadequate nutrition can result in various cognitive and neurological consequences. Early identification &interventions are particularly crucial during the ini tial stages of a child’s brain development. This study aims to unravel the interplay of various factors affecting the development of young children. Objectives: To investigate the association between nutritional status and other factors linked to developme ntal outcomes, with a specific focus on motor, social, and language domains in children aged <5 years. Method: In a cross sectional study of 375 children, under 5 years in the rural field practice areas of Tiruvallur district, Tamil Nadu. The assessment in volved interviewing the parents and conducting anthropometric measurements on their children. Developmental outcomes were evaluated with a pre tested semi structured questionnaire including the RBSK screening tool. The association between nutritional statu s, developmental outcomes, and other factors was analyzed using the Chi Square test. Result: Factors such as the mode of delivery, H/o recurrent infections, and NICU admissions, had shown to have significant association with both nutritional and developmen tal outcomes. C hronic (0.2%) and Acute (MAM 2.6%, SAM 0.2%) malnutrition has also been found to be associated with the developmental outcome of children<5years. Conclusion: This study reveals a significant association between nutritional status, related fa ctors, and the developmental outcomes of children. Those with sufficient nutritional intake demonstrated notable advancements in various developmental domains compared to those with nutritional deficiencies.


Tamilnadu Alliance for Development of Community Medicine

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