
Matviienko Lesia H., ,Krasota Olena H.,


The development of all spheres of public life is associated with the optimization of information processes (collection, storage, processing, transmission of information), so modern society is called information. Modern information and communication technologies play an important role in teaching a foreign language in non-philological higher education institutions. The organization of education using electronic tools allows significant deepening the professional knowledge and optimizing the educational process for students. Modern lexicography has significantly expanded and strengthened its tools with computer technology for creating and using dictionaries. Special programs (databases, computer files, word processing programs) let us automatically generate dictionary entries, store dictionary information and process it. The purpose of the study is to reveal the specifics of computer lexicography use for training managers in a modern agricultural university. To achieve this goal, a set of methods was used: theoretical: comparison and generalization (study of the degree of scientific development of the term “computer lexicography”), analysis, synthesis and generalization of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, theoretical forecasting and modeling of computer lexicography to determine scientific bases of the researched problem; empirical: diagnostic methods (interviews, interviews with teachers, questionnaires, analysis of products of professional activity of teachers, which provide philological disciplines in teaching the agricultural managers). The analysis of the problem showed its insufficient representation in modern scientific works. The article characterizes the role of disciplines of the philological cycle in the professional training of higher education students majoring in “Management”; the term “computer lexicography” is defined and its typology is singled out; the conditions for the introduction of computer lexicography in the educational process of agricultural universities are determined; analyzed software for the introduction of elements of computer lexicography in training the marketing specialists in agricultural universities; the positive and negative aspects of the use of computer lexicography as a component of education are revealed. The article for the first time revealed the specifics of the use of computer lexicography in teaching the philological disciplines for the specialty “Management” at the universities in the agricultural sector. The variety of trends in the introduction of computer lexicography at all stages of teaching the discipline is obvious, and, in particular, the variety of approaches to the creation of electronic dictionaries of different types. The obtained results allow deepening the knowledge of future specialists in the field of management, expanding the interests of higher education seekers, simplifying the work of students with special terminology, systematizing the acquired knowledge, improving the quality of philological disciplines through the introduction of information and communication technologies.


Alfred Nobel University


Materials Chemistry,Economics and Econometrics,Media Technology,Forestry

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