Identification of Potential Agronomic Practices for Wheat (Triticum Aestivuml.) Under Agro-Climatic Condition of District Nowshera, Pakistan


Murad Ali ,Ahmed UzairORCID,Kamal Abid,Wahab Abdul,Khan Yahya,Ali Hazrat,Ali Rizwan,Ali Sajid,Aman Muhammad Kashif,Zainab Aqsa


Agronomic management is one of the prime controlling factors to improve productivity. A study was conducted at Cereal Crops Research Institute Pirsabak Nowshera during 2021-22 growing season to standardize crop orientation (North-South and East-West), Row spacing (15, 20 & 30 cm), Seed rate (100, 115 and 130 kg ha-1) and fertilizer (0:0:0, 40:30:20, 80:60:40, 120:90:60, 160:120:80 and 200:150:100 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha-1) in a split plot design replicated thrice. Row orientation did not affect yield and related parameters while row spacing positively affected 1000 seed weight and biological yield whist fertilizer dose and seed rate had improved wheat yield and its attributes. Maximum grain yield (4228 kg ha-1), seed weight (46.79 g), productive tillers m-2 (429) and plant stature (111 cm) were recorded when fertilized with 160-120-80 kg N:P2O5:K2O ha-1.  For seed rate, maximum grain yield (3266 kg ha-1), grain weight (41.72 g), total biomass (7756 kg ha-1) and taller plants were recorded when sown at 130 kg ha-1 seed rate. Maximum productive tillers m-2 was observed with 100 kg ha-1 seed rate. All factors showed significant interaction affecting yield and yield attributes. Row orientations affected yield and its components in interaction with fertilizer application, seed rate and row spacing showing a slight edge of the East-West over the North-South row orientation. In conclusion, East-West row direction, fertilizer application at 160:120:80, 30 cm row spacing, and 130 kg ha-1 seed rate could be recommended for acquiring wheat production under the agro-climatic conditions of Nowshera District, Pakista


Society for Sustainable Agriculture & Friendly Environment

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