The experiment was conducted for estimation of the heterosis in F1 hybrids in wheat genotypes. The research was conducted at the experimental field of Seed Production Development Centre, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam during Rabi growing season 2019-20. The experiment was laid-out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) using three replications. The performance of parents and their hybrids, and heterotic effects were measured in various aspects like earliness characters (days taken to 75% heading, days taken to 75% maturity), morphological and yield traits like plant height, tillers plant-1, yield plant-1, and a physiology related trait; relative water content. The study consisted of six varieties and their six F1 hybrids. The parents used were TD-1, Benazir-2013, TJ-83, Hamal, Imdad-2005, Kiran-95 and their crosses were as TD-1 × Hamal, TD-1 × Benazir-2013, Benazir-2013 × TD-1, TJ-83 × Benazir-2013, TJ-83 × Imdad, Kiran-95 ×Benazir-2013. Results revealed that all the parents and hybrids were highly significant for all the parameters studied at P<0.01 level. The F1 hybrids Benazir-2013 × TD-1, TD-1 × Benazir-2013, TD-1 × Hamal and Kiran -95 × Benazir-2013 had showed better response in mid parent heterosis and heterobeltiosis for most of the traits except plant height. On the basis of current findings, it could be concluded that these cross combinations may be used in bread wheat for yield improvement
Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences (JOARPS)
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