Effect of Pretreatment, Fermentation Medium and Solid Loading Rate on The Production of Bio- Ethanol from Fruit Waste Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae



The rapid increase in world’s population and growing industrialization are major sources of energy consumption, therefore energy demand is expanding continuously. The first-generationfeedstocklike maize, sugarcane, wheat,etc.can be used to producebioethanol, but due to food and feed security issues,first-generation feedstockcannot beused to producebioethanol.To overcome the feed and food security issue related to first-generationfeedstock, waste fruitcan beused to produce bioethanol.In this experiment, firstly the effect of pretreatment technique on glucose generationisobserved. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation(SSF)experiment carried outat a pH of 4.5 and temperature of 30°C for 48 hwithfermentation helping nutrientsusing Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A nearly equal amount of glucose concentration is observed from samplestreated with hot water, 1%H2SO4, 5%H2SO4,and without any pretreatment. SSF results also revealed that fermentation helping nutrientshasnosignificanteffecton the production of bioethanol at the same concentration. Second part of the experiment deals with the effect of solid loading rate, which is directly proportional to glucose concentration 10-20% (w/w) and time for fermentation (48-96 hours) on generation of bioethanolfrom fruit waste. Solid loadingrate and reaction time for SSF hada significant effect on the production of bioethanol. Optimized 41.19gL-1bioethanol concentration was observed with solid load rate of 20% (w/w) and fermentation period of 58.8 h.High yield ofbioethanolcan be achieved using fruit waste at domestic scale with minimum operational requirements


Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences (JOARPS)


Ocean Engineering








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