Nitrogen Nutrition Affect the Growth and Bulb Yield of Garlic (Allium Sativum L.)


Kevlani Lata,Leghari Zubair,Wahocho Niaz Ahmed,Memon Noor-un-Nisa,Talpur Khalid Hussain,Ahmed Waqas,Jamali Muzamil Farooque,Kubar Aftab Ali,Wahocho Safdar Ali


Nitrogen (N) is one of the critical nutrients for productivity and quality of cultivated crop species. However, its overused in crop cultivation caused several environmental concerns. Hence its proper use in agriculture is not only pre-requisite for sustainable crop cultivation but also necessary to control environmental pollution. A field trial was designed at experimental area of Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture university Tando Jam, Pakistanto test the response of garlic varietiesto N nutrition in terms of growth and bulb attributed traits during the winter season, 2020-21. The N effect on growth and yield associated traits of two garlic varieties (local white and purple top) were investigated by applying four Nrates that included 0, 50 kg, 100 kg and 150 kg ha-1. The findings of the trial exhibitedthat N application at various rates had substantial positiveimpact on the growth and bulb development of garlic at (P<0.05). The garlic plantation receivedNat maximum rate (150 kg ha-1) resulted tallest plants,better neck thicknesswith more leaves plant-1. The N also positively affected the bulb yield and other yield parameters of garlic.The maximum bulb yield was obtained when plants were nourished with 150 Kg N ha-1that was 381.98 % more than the control. It was noted that increase inN rates was statistically dominant over other doses. The varietal influence on garlic indicated that variety purple top performed better than local white in terms of yield associated traits..These findings provide new insight regarding the significance of N nutrition in improving the growth and bulb yield of garlic genotypes


Journal of Applied Research in Plant Sciences (JOARPS)


Ocean Engineering

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