The problematic fields, the scientific and aplicative topics in special education in compliance with national and European policies and strategies regarding disabilities (II)


Crețu Verginia1


1. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest


In the second part of article the identified problematic fields, the scientific and applicative topics in Special Education in compliance with national and European policies and strategies regarding disabilities are: positive approach in education that require to focus on the evolving capacities, gifts, abilities and competencies of the child; conditions of real inclusion in teaching-learning process; the support for children with severe and profound handicap through augmentative and alternative communication; psycho­pedagogy of Individualized Education Program" (IEP); multidisciplinary research programs on assistive and access technology, early education , vocational education and support for employment. The article analyse too the dynamic of paradigms and theories in Special education


University of Bucharest, Doctoral School of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science

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