Autopercepții ale inteligenței generale și emoționale și relația cu claritatea de sine


Vrublevschi Alexandru1


1. Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației


This article examines the role of self-concept clarity within the self-assessment of both general intelligence and emotional intelligence and the relation between the results of said tests and the self-concept clarity of participants. The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) the preliminary adaptation of the self-concept clarity scale for use with the Romanian population, (2) the reproduction of previous results concerning the correlations between the self-assessments of participants and the results obtained after psychometric testing on a Romanian sample, (3) research into the existence of a negative correlation between self-concept clarity levels and the errors of participants’ self-assessments and (4) the exploration of the relationship between self-concept clarity and the tests used in this study. The sample used in the study was composed of 157 participants that were assessed online with the self-concept clarity scale, were asked to self-assess their general and emotional intelligence levels and then took the GAMA (general intelligence), MSCEIT and EQ-i (emotional intelligence) tests. The results of the study indicate a significant relation between self-concept clarity and the GAMA, MSCEIT and EQ-i test results and encourage further research into the role of self-concept clarity in the self-assessment process.


University of Bucharest, Doctoral School of Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science







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