Rancang Bangun Wadah Penampung Pelet Ikan Pada Alat Pelontar Kapasitas 12 Kg


Basroni Iksan,Fauzi Ah. Sulhan


Fish is a food ingredient that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. The preferred type of fish is catfish. The problem often experienced by fish cultivators is during the manual feeding process. Fish feed container that serves as a storage place for pellets on the ejector for the automatic feeding process, this container has many types but the one used in this tool is aluminum. Besides being cheap, aluminum also has the properties of being light, soft, easy to shape and anti-rust even when exposed to water. The corrosion resistance of aluminum results from the passivation phenomenon, namely the formation of an aluminum oxide layer when aluminum is directly exposed to the outside air. In this design and research, the material used is pure aluminum which contains 99% aluminum and a few other alloys. This aluminum has a thickness of 1 mm, the tensile strength of pure aluminum is 90 MPa, for aluminum alloys 600 MPa. There are two shapes used in the design of this container, namely tubes and cones, for the dimensions used are 40 cm in diameter, 26 cm in height for the tube while the cone has a height of 25 cm. So the overall height of the fish pellet container is 51 cm. From this size, a capacity of 12 kg of fish pellets was obtained.


Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


General Medicine








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