The use of specialized software for liquid radioactive material spills simulation to teach students and postgraduate students


Popov Oleksandr O.ORCID,Kyrylenko Yurii O.ORCID,Kameneva Iryna P.ORCID,Iatsyshyn Anna V.ORCID,Iatsyshyn Andrii V.ORCID,Kovach Valeriia O.ORCID,Artemchuk Volodymyr O.ORCID,Bliznyuk Valery N.ORCID,Kiv Arnold E.ORCID


The study proves relevance of specialized software use to solve problems of emergencies prevention of radioactive liquids spills to teach students and graduate students. Main assessment criteria of accidents at radiation-hazardous objects associated with radioactive liquids spillage is identified. A model of radioactive substances transport in emergency rooms is developed. It takes into account physical features of radioactive liquid spill from the source, air pollution during transition of radioactive liquid from the spill surface into the air and subsequent scattering in the emergency room under influence of local air flows. It is determined that the existing software tools for radiation exposure assessment do not comprehensively cover features of such events and possess number of shortcomings regarding accidents modeling with spillage of radioactive liquids indoors. Computer modeling and forecasting examples for hypothetical event related to liquid radioactive spill in the JRODOS system are presented. The training process of future specialists, specialties 183 “Environmental Protection Technologies”, 143 “Nuclear Energy”, 103 “Earth Sciences”, and 122 “Computer Science” should be based on application of powerful scientific and methodological training base using modern achievements in the field of digital technologies. It is advisable to supplement curricula for students` and postgraduate students’ preparation in the mentioned above specialties by studying issues related to: development of mathematical models and software for solving problems of emergencies prevention in case of radioactive liquids spills; usage of features of specialized decision software of emergencies prevention during spills of radioactive liquids.


Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences

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