Enhancing student research activities through virtual chemical laboratories: a case study on the topic of Solutions


Nechypurenko Pavlo P.ORCID,Chernova Maryna P.,Evangelist Olga O.,Selivanova Tetiana V.ORCID


This paper explores the significance of student research activities in fostering the key competencies essential for the future specialists in the field of chemistry. Specifically, it emphasizes the importance of primary school students' ability to solve experimental problems in chemistry and highlights the role of virtual chemical laboratories in facilitating the development of these skills. The concept of ``experimental chemical problem"'' is thoroughly analyzed, providing a comprehensive understanding of its essence. Moreover, the paper delves into the concept of ``virtual chemical laboratories'', discussing their primary types, advantages, and disadvantages, which define the methodical boundaries for their implementation in chemistry education, particularly in supporting educational chemical experiments.Furthermore, the study scrutinizes the major benefits and limitations of virtual chemical laboratories regarding the modeling of chemical processes necessary for creating virtual experimental problems in chemistry. The distinctive features of VLab, a virtual chemical laboratory, are elucidated, shedding light on its operational essence and the process of designing virtual laboratory work within it. Notably, two types of virtual chemical laboratories, namely distance laboratories and imitation laboratories, are identified as integral components for supporting students' research activities. The synergistic combination of these laboratory types, particularly in the study of the topic ``Solutions'', offers an opportunity to harness the advantages of each type and elevate the level of support for students' research activities during the learning process.To exemplify the practical implementation of this approach, the paper presents developed virtual chemical works, providing insights into their essence and purpose. Drawing from the successful integration of virtual chemical laboratories in diverse educational institutions, the paper justifies the assumption regarding the effectiveness of utilizing the developed virtual experimental chemical problems to foster students' research activities within the context of studying the topic ``Solutions''. This research contributes to the field of educational technology by providing evidence-based insights into the potential of virtual chemical laboratories for enhancing student engagement and competency development in chemistry education.


Academy of Cognitive and Natural Sciences

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