Costa Kozow Julia Fernanda,Opolski Medeiros Caroline,Da Costa Rayane Luizi,Stangarlin-Fiori Lize
To know the profile of food and enteral formulation handlers is important to promote more effective health education actions for these individuals. This study aimed to develop instruments to evaluate the profile of food handlers in households (PFH) and in food service establishments (PFSE), as well as the profile of handlers of enteral formulations in households (PEFHH). A scoping review was carried out to identify questions about the profile of food and enteral formulation handlers evaluated in studies in thein the main national and international databases. From 47 selected articles, 66 questions were identified. Of these, 17, 22, and 18 questions were established to assess the PFH, PFSE, and PEFHH, respectively. The instrument questions were subdivided by subject into personal data, sociodemographic and professional characteristics, and general information. Some questions differ between instruments due to segment specificities. The proposed instruments are novel tools. Through a scoping review and expert consultations, a comprehensive set of questions was identified and organized into instruments tailored to each specific segment. These tools will be valuable for nutritionists, researchers, and other professionals involved in assessing and addressing the needs of food handlers.
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