Identification of Chlamydia trachomatis, Herpes simplex virus and Human Papillomavirus in irradiated uterine-cervix: critical analysis of potential problems in Papanicolaou smears routine


Longatto-Filho Adhemar,Maeda Marina Yoshiê Sakamoto,Oyafuso Marina Suheko


This review present a critical analysis of the morphologic patterns and immunocytochemical reactions of three infections of irradiated uterine cervix: Chlamydia trachomatis, Herpes virus and Papillomavirus. The effect of ionizing radiation on squamous epithelium leads to some alterations of the cytoplasm and nucleus which could difficult the identification of these etiologic agents. Frequently, radiation can induce cytoplasmic vacuolation, multinucleation and bizarre cells features which in some instances can mimich Chlamydia, Herpes or Papilloma infections.


Instituto Adolfo Lutz

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