The Beginning of Tiberius's and Nero's Reigns in the Annals


Devillers Olivier1


1. Université Bordeaux Montaigne


Abstract The similarity between the early reigns of Tiberius and Nero has often been emphasized, mainly through the comparison between Ann. 1.6.1 (Primus facinus noui principatus) and 13.1.1 (Prima nouo principatu mors). The aim of this paper is to move beyond this often observed similarity and compare the entire narratives of the two years, 14 and 54, which correspond to the rises of Tiberius and Nero. To this end, we will consider six phases: the first murder (1.6; 13.1–2.2); the actual accession to power (1.7; 13.2.3); the predecessor's funerals and judgments on this predecessor (1.8–10; 13.3); relationships with the senators, first measures (1.11–15; 13.4–5); external affairs (1.16–52; 13.6–9); and return to internal affairs (1.53–54; 13.10). This comparison leads to two observations. On the one hand, under Nero, the prince's powers and centrality in public affairs seem to have been strengthened. On the other hand, Nero himself appears more self-effacing in his early years, which reflects the passivity that is attributed to this prince when he begins his reign.


University of Illinois Press

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