1. 1 Nell Murbarger, “Charcoal: The West’s Forgotten Industry,” Desert Magazine 19 (June 1956): 4.
2. 2 Arlie W. Toole, Paul H. Lane, Carl Arbogast Jr., Walton R. Smith, Ralph Peter, Edward G. Locke, Edward Beglinger, and E. C. O. Erickson, Charcoal Production, Marketing, and Use, Report No. 2213 (Madison, WI: USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory, 1961).
3. 3 Charles E. Williams, “Environmental Impact,” in Industrial Revolution in America: Iron and Steel, ed. Kevin Hillstrom and Laurie C. Hillstrom (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005), 163–72.
4. 4 Robert B. Gordon, American Iron: 1607–1900 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), 90–100.
5. 5 Murbarger, “Charcoal: The West’s Forgotten Industry,” 4–9.