1. 1. Email from George Lucas to Paul Bogaard, January 5, 2019.
2. 2. Same email as above. Within a month, George Lucas had also secured full custody and ownership of these materials.
3. 3. For a detailed account of these two notetakers, and Whitehead’s first course of lectures, see my introduction to The Harvard Lectures, vol. 1, xxv–lii. In that book we also relied upon notes taken by Whitehead’s senior colleague, William Ernest Hocking, but no notes of his survive from the inaugural lecture.
4. 4. As argued in the introduction to HL 1 (see xlv), Whitehead’s first course of lectures and his Lowell Lectures were not organized in the same way.
5. 5. Whitehead mentioned this in lecture 8 (Harvard Lectures 1: 31), where it is noted that Russell delivered his Lowell Lectures at Harvard in March–April of 1914, and later that year they were published as Our Knowledge of the External World: As a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy by Open Court.