Deep Polyphony in the Hymns of Julien Jouga


Dang Christine Thu Nhi1


1. New York University


AbstractArguably the foremost pioneer of indigenized hymnody in Senegal, Julien Jouga composed hymns that achieved remarkable popularity beyond the Catholic Church, beloved by Muslims and Christians alike. In his compositions, Jouga did not limit himself to conventional Catholic materials but drew extensively upon the practices of mystical Islam and African traditional religions. Amalgamating divergent musical, cultural, and spiritual sources, Jouga entered into dialogue with the voices of religious others, voices whom he confronted as equals within the polyphonic lines of his hymns. Through this radically dialogic approach, Jouga’s compositions became performances of deep polyphony: of inclusive hymnody that recognizes the truths of others and celebrates the simultaneity of moral and spiritual paths in the midst of religious difference.Sans doute le plus grand pionnier de l’hymnodie au Sénégal, Julien Jouga a composé des hymnes qui ont acquis une popularité remarquable, audelà même de l‘Église catholique, aimés des musulmans comme des chrétiens. Dans ses compositions, Jouga ne s’est pas limité aux matériaux catholiques conventionnels et s’est largement inspiré des pratiques de l’Islam mystique et des religions traditionnelles africaines. Amalgamant des éléments musicaux, culturels et spirituels distincts, Jouga est entré en dialogue au sein de la pluralité religieuse, voix qu’il a traitées d‘égal à égal dans les lignes polyphoniques de ses hymnes. Par cette approche radicalement dialogique, les compositions de Jouga sont devenues des performances de polyphonie profonde, d’hymnodie inclusive qui reconnaît les vérités d’autrui et célèbre la simultanéité des chemins moraux et spirituels au coeur de la différence religieuse.


University of Illinois Press


Music,Anthropology,Cultural Studies

Reference87 articles.

1. 1. The largest Sufi orders in Senegal are the Tijaniyya (51 percent of Senegalese Muslims), Muridiyya (30 percent), Qadiriyya (11 percent), and Layenne (6 percent) (Mbacké 2005:ix). The Tijaniyya and Qadiriyya are foreign orders, originating in the Maghreb and present-day Iraq, respectively, while the Muridiyya and Layenne are indigenous to Senegal.

2. 2. Jouga is mentioned briefly in Tang (2007). His music is discussed at some length in the fourth chapter of my dissertation

3. portions of this article were adapted from that chapter (Dang 2014:110-52).

4. 3. Historical studies have demonstrated that missionary activity was varied throughout Africa and differently linked to or disconnected from fragmented colonial networks (Troutt Powell 2012; Gray and Sanneh 2012). For example, historian Elizabeth Foster argues that a “bitter rivalry between French missionaries and colonial officials” existed in Senegal (2013:17).

5. 4. “C’était un peu difficile de voir un fidèle chante Crédo, Kyrie, et sait même pas ce qu’il parle.”







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