Yi Suyong and the Quiet of “Korea’s Hiroshima”


Pilzer Joshua1


1. University of Toronto


Abstract Bicultural residents of the Hapcheon Atomic Bomb Victims Welfare Center in rural southeastern Korea who were raised in Hiroshima and survived the bomb live in a complex world of quiet—of radiation-related vocal disability, Japanese and Korean cultural values of restraint and civility, religious practice and propriety, and traumatic memory. In this article, I musically encounter a world largely devoid of music, focusing on one survivor’s style of quietude. Manipulating rhythm, pitch, and silence in speech, testimony, and craftwork, she navigates between personal aims and the expectations she faces as a witness to Korean experiences of the atomic bomb. 히로시마에서 자랐고 원자폭탄의 폭격 속에서 생존한 합천원 폭피해자복지회관의 이중 문화 주민들은 복잡한 조용함의 세계에 살 고 있다. 방사선 관련 음성 장애, 일본과 한국 문화의 절제와 정중함 의 가치, 종교적 관습과 타당성, 그리고 외상 기억이 이 조용함의 많 은 원천 중 일부이다. 본 연구는 한 생존자의 조용함의 스타일을 중심 으로 음악이 많지 않은 이 세계를 음악적으로 조우한다. 이 생존자는 말, 증언, 공예품에서 리듬과 음조, 그리고 침묵을 조종하며, 한국인 의 원폭 경험에 대한 증인으로서 자신이 직면한 기대와 개인적인 목 표 사이를 탐색한다.


University of Illinois Press


Music,Anthropology,Cultural Studies

Reference88 articles.

1. 1. I use the Revised Romanization of Korean transliteration system throughout this article for the transliteration of the Korean language.

2. 2. I use “social poetics” to refer to the formal organization of expression vis-à-vis the social life, borrowing the term from Herzfeld (2004) and fusing it with Fox’s (2004:29) consideration of cultural poetics.

3. 3. False rumors that Koreans were rebelling against Japanese authority, poisoning wells, and other things spread in Tokyo and surrounding areas in the aftermath of the earthquake. Gangs and police massacred around six thousand Koreans in Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa Prefecture and countless more elsewhere (Ryang 2003:732).

4. 4. Lee Hwajun provides an overview of Korean “victim consciousness” vis-à-vis the colonial period in his 2014 article; Jo Min-a (2020) investigates the pitfalls of Korean “victim nationalism.”

5. 5. Activist and historian Ichiba Junko’s (1999, 2003, 2005) work comprises the most comprehensive attempt to document the history of Korean victims of the atomic bombs; forced labor scholar Hur Kwang-moo’s (2011) research complements this, focusing in particular on differences in the experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Koreans. As part of her project on the politics of memory surrounding the atomic legacy, Lisa Yoneyama (1995, 1999) has done important work on discrimination against Korean victims in the memorialization of the atomic bomb experience. Kang Suhan (2011) investigates the current situation of atom bomb victims in South Korea and makes recommendations for improving social welfare systems on their behalf. Several teams of medical researchers and scientists have produced studies on the occurrence of chromosomal damage, disease, and disability among Korean victims of the bomb and their offspring (Chung and Choe 1987; Ju et al. 2006).








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