Developmental regulation of androgen receptor in rat ovary


Tetsuka M,Whitelaw P F,Bremner W J,Millar M R,Smyth C D,Hillier S G


Abstract Androgen receptor (AR) distribution and developmental regulation in the rat ovary were examined by semiquantitative immunohistochemistry. Ovarian AR mRNA levels were also determined by Northern analysis of total RNA and compared with the levels of cytochrome P450aromatase (P450arom), an established marker of preovulatory follicular maturity. Hypophysectomized immature female rats were treated with recombinant human (rh)-FSH and/or rh-LH, or human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG). AR was predominately located in granulosa cells. There was no indication of specific AR immunoreactivity in thecal cells, but scattered stromal cells did stain positively. In control and LH-treated ovaries, only small preantral/early antral follicles were present. Granulosa cells in these follicles showed intense AR immunostaining. Treatment with FSH, FSH and LH or HMG stimulated varying degrees of preovulatory follicular development. In these follicles, the intensity of AR immunostaining progressively declined as follicular development progressed. In intact immature rats treated with FSH, the abundance of ovarian AR mRNA was significantly decreased to 35% of the control value while combined treatment of FSH and LH resulted in further down-regulation of AR mRNA expression to 17% of the control value. A decrease in the abundance of AR mRNA was accompanied by a simultaneous increase in the abundance of P450arom mRNA. Similar results were obtained in hypophysectomized immature rats treated with FSH and LH, suggesting an inverse relationship between AR mRNA expression and granulosa cell maturity. These results suggest that (1) the AR is most abundant in the granulosa cells of rat ovaries and (2) the expression of AR and its mRNA are developmentally regulated, being down-regulated during FSH-stimulated preovulatory follicular development. Journal of Endocrinology (1995) 145, 535–543




Endocrinology,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism







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