Caverzasio J.,Bonjour J.-P.
Renal resistance to the phosphaturic action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is observed during dietary deprivation of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in vivo. In the present work, the influence of short (3 h)- or long (72 h)-term deprivation of Pi on the effect of bovine PTH (bPTH(1–34)) on both Na-dependent Pi transport and cyclic AMP(cAMP) production was examined in cultured opossum kidney epithelium. Na-dependent Pi transport increased by 100% in cells exposed to low Pi medium containing no Pi (LPM) for 3 h, as compared with transport in high Pi medium containing 2 mmolPi/l (HPM). In response to a submaximal dose (1 nmol/l) of bPTH(1–34), Na-dependent Pi transport was similarly inhibited by about 40% in LPM and HPM. This inhibition was preceded by increased cAMP production which was identical in LPM and HPM. In opossum kidney cells exposed for 72 h to LPM, Na-dependent Pi transport was also increased by 100% compared with that in HPM. However, bPTH(1–34) added at 1 nmol/l did not induce any significant change in Na-dependent Pi transport or cAMP. Stimulation of cAMP could only be elicited at bPTH(1–34) concentrations higher than 1 nmol/l. Such a reduced cAMP response was also observed with forskolin in cells incubated for 72 h in LPM. The cellular resistance to the generation of cAMP was associated with a significantly lower level of ATP in cells cultured for 72 h in LPM compared with ATP levels in HPM. There was a good relationship between cellular ATP level and expression of the inhibitory effect of bPTH on Pi transport in culture media containing various concentrations of Pi. In conclusion, long-term Pi depletion in opossum kidney cells leads to cellular resistance to PTH-induced cAMP generation and inhibition of Pi transport. The lower level of cAMP in Pi-depleted cells is probably due to insufficient substrate for cAMP generation. It is likely that other ATP-dependent processes involved in cellular Pi transport regulation might also be affected in the severely Pi-depleted cells and contribute to the resistance of PTH action on Pi transport inhibition.
Journal of Endocrinology (1992) 134, 361–368
Endocrinology,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
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